Mangoverde :: World Bird Guide :: Larks :: Calandra Lark

Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra

Described by: Linnaeus (1766)
Alternate common name(s): European Calandra-lark
Old scientific name(s): None known by website authors


Azaila, Aragon, Spain - May 2, 2003 © Pascal Dubois 
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S. Europe, n. Africa e. through the Middle East to c. Asia;
Fragmented distribution;
(1) S. Europe (Portugal in the Baira Baixa Region along the upper Rio Tejo, Spain, s. France and the Mediterranean basin (Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, and Cyprus) e. to Balkans, s. Russia and nw. Kazakhstan) and nw. Africa (n. Morocco, Algeria, and nw Libya), Turkey, Transcaucasia and nw. Iran.
(2) Transcaspia, n. Iraq, Iran (Zagros Mountains to Khorasan), n. Afghanistan, w. Turkmenistan, and e. Kazakhstan, and s. Russia (Turkestan).
(3) Se. Turkey, e. Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and sw. Iran.
(4) Sc. Turkey, and adjacent nw. Syria s. to Israel, Palestine and w. Jordan.


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Location unknown - Date unknown Source: ETI BioInformatics


Clements, James F. Birds of the World: A Checklist. Vista, CA: Ibis Publishing Company, 2000.


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