Mangoverde :: World Bird Guide :: Tinamous :: Variegated Tinamou

Variegated Tinamou Crypturellus variegatus

Described by: Gmelin, J. F. (1789)
Alternate common name(s): None known by website authors
Old scientific name(s): None known by website authors


No photographs are available for this species


S. n. and n. c. South America; C. e. South Amreica;
Two populations;
Guyana, Surinam and Guiana w. through Venezuela (s. of the Orinoco in Bolivar and Amazonas), se. Colombia (Caqueta, Vaupes), ex. e. Ecuador, e. Peru (s. to Junin), n. Bolivia (Pando, n. La Paz) and Amazonian Brazil (Rio Negro, Rio Solimoes, Rio Jurua e. through n. Mato Grosso, Rio Gi-Parana and e. to Amapa, Belem and Para). A second relatively small population occurs in the forested littoral region of e. Brazil (se. Bahia, se. Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo).


No videos are available for this species


No sounds are available for this species


Clements, James F. Birds of the World: A Checklist. Vista, CA: Ibis Publishing Company, 2000.


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