
Site designed and constructed by William Hull.
Copyright 2000-2007. All rights reserved.

All multimedia material (photographs, videos, and sounds) hosted on this site is copyrighted. The copyright holder's name and contact information is displayed with the material. Please contact the material's author regarding the terms for its usage. Many of the contributors to this site will allow their materials to be freely used for non-profit purposes.

Some photographs are public domain images used courtesy of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and are noted as such where used. Although the original unedited photograph is public domain material its usage in the context of this website is copyrighted to the site's creator, William Hull. Please follow the links that are provided to the source if usage of the public domain material is desired.

Sounds on these pages which are credited to are copyrighted to, 1999-2004. Please write to for conditions and permission for their use.

The information in the "Range", "Described by", "Alternate common name(s)" and "Old scientific name(s)" fields on each bird species page has been provided by and is copyrighted to R. Marshall Wilson and Donald L. Burlett.

Special Thanks

I would like to extend special thanks to the following people and organizations who have played a major role in the creation of this site.

  • My brother, Gregory Hull, who always comes to my rescue when I have a computer problem
  • Daniel and Mikki Graff, of Graff Designs Inc in Cincinnati, Ohio, who designed the Mangoverde logo
  • Early believers and contributors such as Tom Tarrant, Clint Murray, Max Andrews, Dan Marsh, Kanae Hirabayashi, Yves Baptiste, Richard Stern, Steve Messick, Pascal Dubois, and Alain Fossé
  • All of the other photo contributors whose names may be found under the images they have so kindly provided for this project
  • People throughout the world, such as Jim Denny, Hiroshi Ikenaga, Mike Busam, Charles Harper, Stuart MacKay, Subaraj Rajathurai, Tim Adams, and Dan Marsh, who have assisted/accompanied me on outings in their home territories
  • R. Marshall Wilson and Donald L. Burlett who are kindly providing information from a text based database of bird information which they have been developing for many years
  • Glen Tepke, who has provided many photographs, much moral support and encouraged many others to contribute material to the site
  • Arthur Grosset, whose website on Brazilian Birds is one of the best bird related websites on the Internet
  • Dennis Paulson, who has assisted with many, many dragonfly questions
  • The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for providing easily accessible public domain material
  • The many people who have taken the time to email me to point out ID problems and other mistakes. In particular, Steve Pryor and Rasmus Boegh have assisted with ID issues on numerous occasions and Travis Hails has found many typographical errors.